
What are polynucleotides, Ameela & Nucleofil

Polynucleotides are quite new in aesthetic Industry ! They have gained popularity due to their ability to induce bio-regeneration within the skin. This means that once introduced into the skin they are capable of both repair and rejuvenation with minimal risks. With the added advantage of combination treatment with other injectables, they encourage your skin to behave better over time. Although they don’t produce instant results, they can be safely used on the eyes, face, scalp, and body.

Polynucleotides are long chains of DNA. Sourced from salmon or trout sperm DNA, these highly purified fragments of DNA are suspended in water and available as an injectable. Different brands of polynucleotides have varying percentages of highly purified polynucleotides (PN-HPT). At Cosmedics Skin UK we have researched the various brands and picked those with the highest concentration and most suitable for clients needs. I’m excited to offer the brand Aleema and is only available in skin clinics.

How do polynucleotides work?

Once introduced into the skin, the DNA fragments will slowly absorb without leaving any lumps. Once they begin to integrate within your skin cells, they start to signal your skin in 3 main ways.

  • They stimulate fibroblast cells to multiply in number and boost their activity. As cell renewal improves, so will collagen production, hydration levels, and skin glow. Your skin becomes more durable with improved elasticity and wrinkles start to lessen an. diminish crepiness.
  • They are amazing antioxidants that collect free radicals that would normally set off cellular damage.
  • They function as wound healing agents directing your skin to intensely repair. This helps improve scars, reduce stretch marks, and improve skin texture concerns. As it enters repair mode, your skin’s pigmentation improves, leaving a more even tone. Additionally, polynucleotides produce a mild increase in volume and tightening as an overall effect.

The result of treatment depends on a variety of factors:

  •  The degree of your skin ageing prior to the treatment.
  •  Your skin’s ability to regenerate good quality tissue when stimulated.
  •  Your lifestyle.

How is the treatment done and how long do they take to work?

Polynucleotides are injected very superficially into your skin via two methods. In some cases, it may be injected with very tiny needles leaving tiny blebs on the surface. These blebs can disappear over a few hours but may remain for longer in some people. Alternatively, a blunt-ended tube, cannula, may be used to spread the product evenly. Generally, following cannula treatment, you may notice some swelling for up to a week due to a temporary lifting effect however the risk of bruising is much less.

Afterward, the product is completely absorbed into your skin without leaving any lumps, bumps, or overfilling.
Typically, you will not notice any benefits for a few weeks. This is because the action of polynucleotides is at the cellular level, and this takes time. Although you may notice some improvement after 2-3 weeks, the full effect is only visible at 3 months. This is the only downside of polynucleotides. You may have to put up with the downtime without seeing any benefits for weeks to months.

What areas can be treated?

Polynucleotides have been shown to improve skin texture and function. Therefore, they are suitable for any area of the skin including:

  • The scalp for hair re-growth.
  • Periorbital Eyes
  • Forehead,
  • Mouth area
  • Whole face.
  • Neck and decolletage rejuvenation
  • In the body, common areas are loose skin on the abdomen, above the knees, or inner arms.

Polynucleotides are often favoured for certain areas as it does not cause water retention like hyaluronic acid. In the under-eye area, polynucleotides can help improve skin strength and integrity instead of or prior to tear trough treatment with dermal fillers. We advise to book a consultation where we can assess your skin and make suggestions of suitable treatments.

What are the risks or possible complications?

Salmon DNA is very similar to human DNA. The highly purified particles ensure you only get the purest form of polynucleotides. Even an allergy to fish does not exclude you from taking advantage of this treatment. Unlike dermal fillers, the polynucleotides are suspended in water which means they disperse without any risk of blocking blood vessels.
There are no long-term risks to using polynucleotides regularly, in fact, as we continue to age, it may be something to consider on a long-term basis.

Polynucleotides vs Dermal Fillers?

Dermal fillers consist of a gel of differing consistency of hyaluronic acid. Primarily, they exert their effect by a physical volumising effect. Dermal fillers have an instant effect as well as an improvement over the following 3-4 weeks. They can last between 6-12 months but have been found to last much longer. As hyaluronic acid attracts and holds onto water, it may be unsuitable for some areas which are prone to puffiness.
Polynucleotides are different in the way they work. They stimulate cell regeneration as such take time to see visible differences. A combination approach will have holistic effects.

Profhilo vs Polynucleotides

Profhilo® contains the highest concentration of pure hyaluronic acid. Firstly, its hydrating properties come from hyaluronic acid’s ability to hold onto 1000 times its weight in water. Secondly, thanks to the way it is formulated, it has the added advantage of stimulating collagen. This is what gives your skin that dewy look after treatment.
Polynucleotides, do not contain hyaluronic acid. Their action on the skin is slower resulting in improvement of the skin via multiple bio-regenerative effects as discussed above. It is a fantastic option for under-eye area where Profhilo is not suitable.
Depending on your skin concerns, both treatments can be combined to give you cumulative results.

Skin boosters Vs Polynucleotides

Skin boosters contain unlinked hyaluronic acid with amino acids, other hydrating agents, or antioxidants. They have an instant gentle lifting effect on the skin as well as hydration. The hyaluronic acid attracts water and has a mild plumping effect. This helps to diminish fine lines and give your skin a glow. However, there is no regeneration, so the effects are short-term.
Polynucleotides have multiple effects: they boost fibroblast production, initiate the tissue repair process, regulate pigmentation pathways, reduce inflammation, and promote hydration. The main difference is that they don’t volumise. Neither do they produce instant results.
Polynucleotides are the only injectables that can influence at a cellular level. Not only are they amazing for skin regeneration on their own, but they are also invaluable as pre-treatment for other modalities such as lasers, micro-needling, or surgery. When used in combination with other injectables, they truly stimulate your skin in the most natural way. If you are looking for an effective treatment that gives natural results, then this may be for you. You can use the link below to book your consultation.

How many treatments do I need?

It is recommended that you have two to three treatments at a 2-4 week interval and continue with a maintenance programme once a year.